Thursday, 22 December 2011

I Have Something To Confess...

No, I'm not a jealous girlfriend (sadly only a joke that is a joke if you are a hardcore Marina and the Diamonds fan like myself)
I am addicted to nail polish and nail art.
I own over 80 nail varnishes, Barry M, 17, OPI, Jessica, Models Own, No7, Accessorize, generic nail art pens,  you name it, I've used it.
I used to be a one colour a week kind of girl. I graduated to doing one one colour on one hand plus two nails on the other with three on the other a different colour to the other 7 (sounds more confusing than it is).
My mind was then blown by Barry M Crackle Effect varnish
                                            Barry M in Turquoise and Barry M special effects in Cool Pink
Now, from here I bought this effect in every colour, black, white, blue, I even treated myself to the amazing Silver one in the Pirate of The Caribbean collection by OPI (which I found to be a little disappointing if I'm honest). I also invested in the purple crackle by Models Own which is actually my favourite of my crackles.

From here I got bored with my nails, I thought it couldn't get better than the crackle top coat so I had a brief love affair with Nail Foils
         I got these from Boots, I don't know what brand they are but I do know they aren't Nail Rock
When I say brief love affair, I really do mean it. I tried these, I tried shiny silver ones, I tried realistic leopard Nail Rock foils and not one of the bastards was easier or more hard wearing. Biggest waste of money in my entire life, apart from you know.. that one time where I bought a concealer that was empty.
So, there I was in the nail care wasteland when suddenly, my mind was reinvigorated by my very good friend Louise of Because Wearing Black Looks Mysterious who was a pro a doing leopard print nails due to her recent purchase of the WAH! nails for Models Own nail art pen, so I decided to give it a go myself, resulting in this;
All Varnishes shown are Barry M, bright green, cobalt, block orange and lilac with WAH! nails for Models Own nail art pen in Black.
This was my first attempt and it is very safe to say that I am much better at it now and here is the proof:
Models Own in Gold Rush, Barry M in Block Orange and of course, WAH! nails for Models Own nail art pen in Black
From here I went to youtube nail art tutorials and started experimenting on my own resulting in all of this:
I am quite pleased with the outcomes above, if you are interested in any of the colours used in the above photos feel free to message me about them and I will tell you where they are from.
However, this is where it gets really good. Today I bought Magnetic Nail Polish by 17 and I must say I am in love.
The effect is created by holding a magnet in the lid of the brush over the wet nail varnish and BANG magic happens.
My love for nail varnish shall never end and even though my nails are absolutely stained, ruined and flakey, I will always have my polish to make them look awesome

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

A Fat Chick's For Life, Not Just For Christmas

As you may be aware, Christmas Day is fast approaching and with it comes the dilemmas of  fashion ideas and portion control.
Now, as a well seasoned fat chick I can tell you that there is nothing more wonderful than the crap that gets shoved in your face at Christmas time. Mostly because "you're a big girl, go on, finish it up for me."
Not only is this fucking annoying, but it is rude as. Just because I am not a size 8 does not mean I am a garbage disposal unit attending your tedious Christmas party to eat the boring selection of treats you provide.
Finding things to wear over the festive season I understand, if one is larger than popular fashion outlets decide, can be a stressful affair. It is also something I try to avoid doing at all costs as I seem to throw money at outfits that only get worn for 5 hours then shoved to the back of the wardrobe. Therefore, I have some handy tips to avoid this situation:

  1. If it ain't comfy, it ain't gonna work. If you are wearing something that you think is amazing and looks good initially BUT you find yourself pulling it down to cover your bodacious arse or it cuts your arms up or it's scratchy, loose it and move on. If you aren't comfortable, you won't look comfortable.
  2. Decide on a budget and stick to it, it may only be a tenner more than you had planned but that tenner will make all the difference after Christmas when you're skint because you're on a 5 week pay month.
  3. Tits or legs, keep it classy, it's Christmas NOT Halloween, sweets are not being given out for free
  4. Save money, accessorise yourself silly. There is nothing wrong with wearing one of your wardrobe staples and cracking out some of your glitteriest jewels or most weird head scarf. Also, do not feel pressure to conform to this seasons trends, the world of fashion is cruel but not as cruel as the bank when you've run out of money because you just had to have that 'it dress' from Topshop.
  5. If you're happy with what you are wearing, no other fuckers opinion need matter to you, which is something I have only just come to realise but it is true, it's not like you're forcing them to wear what you are so fuck it.
Another Christmas obstacle is family time, I have recently come home from university where I spent 3 months living my own life and doing what I wanted whenever I wanted so coming home to a place where nothing was my own and my life wasn't what I had made it was literally the most depressing thing to happen, ever.
Within 15 hours the jibes had started; "How much pudding would you like Isabel?" "oh just that small bit there" "Sorry, did you say half of it? hahahaha you know I'm joking!"
I do not appreciate your comments on my size, which by the way isn't even that big in the grand scheme of things, nor do I appreciate your assumptions on my appetite. You, my family who are just as lardy arsed as me. If, by any chance you find yourself with a family what are just as prickish as mine I suggest you invest in a sense of humour, an amazing poker face, a death stare or the ability to come up with a witty come back. I usually go for the death stare, inherited from my late grandmother, mixed with the poker face. Works every time but does tend to get responses of "Oh cheer up I was only joking, Christ your miserable."
Well I'm sorry, I don't feel like being smiley for you today, maybe I'll go and eat some more cake.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Domino Dollhouse

It's 2.58 am and I have just gotten in from a night out (as usual) and I can;t sleep so it's time for some good quality fatshion blogging.

Much like everything else in my life I came across this site whilst being on Tumblr, my blog theechoinyourhead is only for fun and is mainly reblogs from other people but if something pisses me off I will write about it but anyway back to the clothes...
I always saw pictures of super cute plus size dresses that genuinely made me go awwww but I never knew where they came from until I started following fuckyeahchubbyfashion and then BANG there it was, dominodollhouse . Everything on the site is fun, has a retro feel to it and look like it could be comfortable and fit well. It is also reasonably priced!
One of my favourite pieces is the Berry Beautiful Dress from the Delectable Dresses collection
The collection also features a cupcake inspired and a watermelon inspired dress which are both totally adorable.
One of the main things I like about the site is the models they use as although they are plus sized they also have an alternative feel to them, tattoos, piercings, vintage up dos everywhere you look and they look happy! I hate it when I see an editorial of a stick thin model looking beyond miserable in a £5000 dress, it just makes me want to shove food in their face and take the dress from them. If I was in a £5000 dress and someone was paying me to take my photo I would look fucking happy about it and not stand there looking like someone had just told me to go kill myself (yes I understand designers are going for a 'look' but seriously, lighten up, it's only some clothes).
Domino Dollhouse is everything I could ever want in life, keep up the good work!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Curse of The Women Who Are Paid To Eat

Whilst reading a well known magazine earlier I came across an article concerning a woman and her ambition to be the worlds fattest woman. The woman in question, Susanne Eman is currently 50st which you may cry out is already too big but she wants to 'balloon' to 115st as she wants to prove it is possible to be the biggest woman in the world and still be healthy.
This, to even the simplest of minds is a sheer contradiction in terms. I have seen enough health programmes and seen enough doctors to know that being even 5 stone over weight is detrimental to ones health. I am currently at this point and my health problems are minimal, I do not have joint pain or sleep apnoea but Susanne's story deeply concerns me.
I am all for fat acceptance and Susanne, although she is doing it in a way that is completely different to the way that I believe it should be done, she has a clear objective. Although she cannot do what could be classed as a real  job she is an online Agony Aunt, giving those advice on how to cope with insecurities about their bodies, she says 'You can be a good person and still be overweight.'
So far so good right? She's fighting the good fight all be it in a slightly strange way.
Here comes the part I'm not so wild about;
'Men go wild for me now and I feel so much more confident.'
I know what you're thinking, how can I have a problem with this? She's happy, why aren't I?
I'll tell you why, men go wild for her because she sits on a webcam in bikinis eating so men can watch her for money. To me, this is tantamount to prostitution and it sickens me that someone would allow this to happen to themselves.
I know that I am just a person behind a screen, what gives me the right to pass judgement on someone else, to which I say, this is just my opinion disagree all you like but this:
Is not winning the war on fat acceptance by any stretch of the imagination.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Apologies for the lack of posting, I've just moved to uni and I'm having to much fun to go out and deal with fat girl chic. However, over the coming days I hope to be taking photos of the girls I see who look good and I shall update you accordingly. This is all based on whether anyone is actually reading this shit.
xoxo Bel Agnes

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Gisela Ramirez- "Life is a dress up party and you are the guest of honour."

I first came across Gisela Ramirez on Tumblr, I saw a post she had done on how to make your own stockings especially for the larger lady due to the fact that popular lingerie brands do not do stockings big enough or long enough resulting in the dreaded chub rub. This was a valid post, it was not a problem I have come across myself yet I could understand the benefits.
Since then, I have seen many reblogged posts of hers through the blog fuckyeahchubbyfashion (a site I will post about in the future) and from what I have seen, this girl is a serious fashion contender.
Gisela is half Columbian and half Argentinian but was born in Sydney, Australia. She began sewing at the age of 12 customising her normal fat people clothes creating unique fashion statements. She then went on to begin a fashion degree but dropped out near the end of her first year deciding she was better off self teaching.
She established her eponymous fashion label in June 2010 and her first collection was released this summer. Gisela prides herself on her outspoken personality and uninhibited wardrobe choices, which is also seen in her designs.
My favourite piece in Gisela's current collection is the 'Fuck Flattering' tee (show below)
It is a crop tee, a style that is rarely allowed to be worn by anyone above a size 12 is seen worn by a woman who is not only fat, but beautiful.
Gisela's range also features sheer fabrics, leotards and another favourite of mine, the bondage skirt
This skirt emphasizes the curves on a larger woman and it exposes all the parts the fashion world wants anyone above a size 0 to cover.
Just from this small collection it is clear to see that Gisela is a real contender in the fashion world and I truly hope she gets all the success she deserves.
As well as her fashion line, she is an administrator for a Sydney based non profit organisation named 'Corpulent Caucus' which meets fortnightly and promotes fat acceptance.
Above: Ramirez wearing her own creation called Sack Dress
For more information on Gisela and her brand please go to

Trapped In A World Of Skinny Bitches and Haters

This is my third blog, therefore I am under no illusion of how to run these things or that what I say can and will be used against me. In my life I am quite blessed in that I have a best friend who runs a well known fashion blog and takes me on all the events she is invited to. Now, I am grateful and I do enjoy these things however, like most over weight fashionistas, I am fully at the end of my tether with the fashion world and it's anorexic tendencies. You can say that fashion is progressive all you like but the fact of the matter is fat people are still regarded as a joke that ruin fashion for everyone else.
I like to think I look good in what I wear, why else would I wear it other wise? I have a good hour glass shape, I have fat arms and a stomach that perpetually looks pregnant. A round face the moon would be jealous of and legs that would rival a rugby players but I have had 20 years to come to terms with these facts and yet despite the fact that fashion has been around as long as basically dinosaurs so why hasn't it 'progressed' to fat acceptance? I am fed of for comments like "She has such a pretty face, if she lost some weight she would be more beautiful" and "She's lucky she has big boobs to distract from the rest of her."
This world is unfair and goes up in arms when some one makes a comment of someone being too thin but when a fat person gets a comment like that it's regarded as banter and just a joke.
I am quite frankly bored of this nonsense. So expect lots of rants like this one and a load of photos of me and my fashion choices.
You have been warned.