Saturday, 8 October 2011

Domino Dollhouse

It's 2.58 am and I have just gotten in from a night out (as usual) and I can;t sleep so it's time for some good quality fatshion blogging.

Much like everything else in my life I came across this site whilst being on Tumblr, my blog theechoinyourhead is only for fun and is mainly reblogs from other people but if something pisses me off I will write about it but anyway back to the clothes...
I always saw pictures of super cute plus size dresses that genuinely made me go awwww but I never knew where they came from until I started following fuckyeahchubbyfashion and then BANG there it was, dominodollhouse . Everything on the site is fun, has a retro feel to it and look like it could be comfortable and fit well. It is also reasonably priced!
One of my favourite pieces is the Berry Beautiful Dress from the Delectable Dresses collection
The collection also features a cupcake inspired and a watermelon inspired dress which are both totally adorable.
One of the main things I like about the site is the models they use as although they are plus sized they also have an alternative feel to them, tattoos, piercings, vintage up dos everywhere you look and they look happy! I hate it when I see an editorial of a stick thin model looking beyond miserable in a £5000 dress, it just makes me want to shove food in their face and take the dress from them. If I was in a £5000 dress and someone was paying me to take my photo I would look fucking happy about it and not stand there looking like someone had just told me to go kill myself (yes I understand designers are going for a 'look' but seriously, lighten up, it's only some clothes).
Domino Dollhouse is everything I could ever want in life, keep up the good work!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Curse of The Women Who Are Paid To Eat

Whilst reading a well known magazine earlier I came across an article concerning a woman and her ambition to be the worlds fattest woman. The woman in question, Susanne Eman is currently 50st which you may cry out is already too big but she wants to 'balloon' to 115st as she wants to prove it is possible to be the biggest woman in the world and still be healthy.
This, to even the simplest of minds is a sheer contradiction in terms. I have seen enough health programmes and seen enough doctors to know that being even 5 stone over weight is detrimental to ones health. I am currently at this point and my health problems are minimal, I do not have joint pain or sleep apnoea but Susanne's story deeply concerns me.
I am all for fat acceptance and Susanne, although she is doing it in a way that is completely different to the way that I believe it should be done, she has a clear objective. Although she cannot do what could be classed as a real  job she is an online Agony Aunt, giving those advice on how to cope with insecurities about their bodies, she says 'You can be a good person and still be overweight.'
So far so good right? She's fighting the good fight all be it in a slightly strange way.
Here comes the part I'm not so wild about;
'Men go wild for me now and I feel so much more confident.'
I know what you're thinking, how can I have a problem with this? She's happy, why aren't I?
I'll tell you why, men go wild for her because she sits on a webcam in bikinis eating so men can watch her for money. To me, this is tantamount to prostitution and it sickens me that someone would allow this to happen to themselves.
I know that I am just a person behind a screen, what gives me the right to pass judgement on someone else, to which I say, this is just my opinion disagree all you like but this:
Is not winning the war on fat acceptance by any stretch of the imagination.