Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Why This Fat Chick Is Not Impressed

Recently I have noticed a trend in TV programming and people's attitudes.
It's the start of a new year and therefore the focus for most people is diet and exercise, new years resolutions to lose weight, become a new person etc.
I am beyond bored with this bullshit. I have decided that when I go back to university that I will frequent the gym more but if I don't I'm not particularly arsed about it. People who punish themselves for failing or not keeping to their resolution explicitly need to reassess their lives immediately. I am fully aware that this is just my opinion but honestly, there is more to life than losing weight and beating yourself up if you don't, if you want to lose weight, lose weight. Don't dick around with making yourself feel obliged to lose weight because you've made a resolution.
With all these resolutions comes the need for the world of television to follow suit, MTV are running the Overcoming Overeating campaign, focusing on teenagers losing various amounts of weight before going to college or whatever which is great, obesity is an issue with teenagers and yes it needs to be addressed but not for the benefit of the skinny.
Tonight, at one point there were 5 programs on surrounding this issue and I saw comments on Twitter like "I feel so thing watching these" "This is really helping my self esteem" people seemed genuinely happy about watching fat people on the television. And why? Because it made them feel better about themselves.
So, to these people that use fat people to boost their own self esteem I say get over yourselves, the larger person is not there to make you feel good. They are a real person with real feelings and if you don't feel great about yourself, ask yourself why that is, do not look at the nearest person for your fix of feeling great.

Fat Chick out.

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